Tuesday, February 5, 2013

English Edition: Community Outreach

Tom Hogan, Chester County's District Attorney, is working with local community groups to establish positive ties with the Latino community.

On Friday, Feb. 1, Hogan made a visit to the Kennett Square Family Center, which is run by Nelly Jimenez-Arevalo, to start educating immigrants on how to interact with American police officers. 

"Nelly and I had been planning on doing that for a while," said Hogan. "There are some really defined areas where we can help, such as how immigrants interact with American police."

Given various levels of corruption that permeate the governments of Hispanic countries, it is common that immigrants do not inherently trust the police. Hogan is attempting to change that mode of thinking for the Hispanic community, letting them know that if they are being taken advantage of then they can approach the police for help. 

Hogan also advises that if you are pulled over while driving, turn on the overhead light, place your hands on the steering wheel, and wait for the officer to approach you. Do not reach into the glove compartment prematurely.

Another area of concern being addressed is gang recruitment. Hogan discussed how parents can recognize when their kids are being recruited for gangs, by showing parents what to look for, and how to keep children out of gangs.


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